Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Designations like this really do matter.

Having a month set aside to focus our community’s attention on the importance of mental health awareness is an opportunity for agencies like Fairwinds and our partners to broadcast messages that inform, comfort, and inspire. Mental Health Awareness Month is not only a chance for compassionate, dedicated people to learn more about how they can help others, it is also a time to acknowledge our own struggles and those of our loved ones. Our own acknowledgment aids in healing and helps break through the stigma that surrounds mental health.

Nantucket is a magical place. But for many it is also a challenging place to call home. The pandemic has intensified these challenges and increased insecurity around food, shelter, and employment, all of which significantly impinge on mental wellbeing.

We know that many people on Nantucket are struggling in silence and solitude. At Fairwinds, our wish is for everyone who needs care to receive it, no matter their ability to pay, insurance status, or language spoken. The Fairwinds mission is to provide that care, regardless of those barriers. And we are a part of a safety net for Nantucket that includes other organizations like NAMI on Nantucket, with whom we’re partnering to promote Mental Health Awareness Month.

The message we want to bring is that we’re here for you. Click here for a list of island resources.

At Fairwinds, that means our doors are open to all who need us, regardless of the month or the day. We and others can help. You are not alone.