Court Mandated Services

Fairwinds has partnered with Massachusetts courts to provide alcohol and drug treatment, rehabilitation, and training as well as mental health assessments that the state can mandate. All these lines of service include an assessment with one of our counselors, followed by expert recommendations for your recovery. All records of attendance are maintained accurately to comply with state regulations. Insurance does not cover these services.

• Massachusetts Impaired Driving Class (MID) is a 16-week class for first time DUI offenders.

• Second Offender Aftercare (SOA) program is one year of outpatient therapy specific to substance misuse.

• Men Overcoming Anger and Moving On (MOMO) is a 20-hour anger management class for men, mandated for certain violent offenders.

• Court mandated assessments provide a mental health review by a licensed professional if the courts suspect that substance misuse or a mental health disorder is a contributing factor in the commission of a crime.