Outpatient Therapist

Walter Santiago, MA


Walter received his master’s from Troy University in Counseling and Psychology and has an undergraduate in Sociology from Saint Leo University. He is a member of the Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International as well as a US Army Veteran who served in worldwide international security missions as a member of the Special Operations Command counterterrorist unit. Recently, Walter has worked with the at-risk population of the State of Florida Department of Children, Families as the statewide Children’s Mental Health Programs consultant, and adult Behavioral Health Consultant. He is certified in trauma focused Accelerated Resolution Therapy, and CPT. Walter participated in providing crisis interventions to the victims and families of the Pulse mass shooting incident in Orlando, Florida. Additionally, he is fluent in Spanish and strives to connect with our culturally diverse community. He is passionate about promoting self-care and enjoys spending time with family, traveling, cooking, boating, and riding his motorcycle.

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